2020 was met with so much promise and expectation. We, like the entire world, had so many plans in place. Once we managed to get through the first surge, we decided to move forward with launching DNPs of Color in May with the announcement of our first board of directors! As founder, CEO and president it was an honor and privilege to have recruited such a dynamic board. They represent diverse clinical and academic expertise who are extraordinary leaders with unwavering service and commitment to scholarly excellence in nursing.
It has been amazing to see how much we’ve accomplished in such a short period of time! I remember when DNPs of Color was just an idea that came to me out of the need to have a group that focused specifically on nurses of color pursuing their doctorates in nursing practice. I never thought in a million years that we would grow so exponentially as a community. I never anticipated that we would create a space that inspired and empowered so many doctoral students and current DNP prepared professionals in their respective spaces. Daily, I am humbled and filled with so much gratitude that we share similar stories of trials, triumphs, resilience and perseverance as doctorally prepared nurses.
Thank you to all that have supported us in so many ways from participating in our events, donating to our fundraisers and sharing DNPs of Color with your networks. In addition, special thanks to my team: Drs. Ethlyn McQueen-Gibson, LaDonna Brown, Toni Murray, Daisy Medina-Kreppein, Jenna Benyounes, Bimbola Akintade and Sandra Davis for giving your time, talents and energy through service to DOCs and our community.
We look forward to 2021 and the opportunity for us to build and continue to fulfill our mission to serve DNPs of Color through networking, mentorship and advocacy to increase diversity in doctoral studies, clinical practice and leadership.
Happy New Year!
With love and gratitude,
Danielle McCamey, DNP, CRNP, ACNP-BC, FCCP
Founder, CEO & President
DNPs of Color